All Episodes

Displaying episodes 1 - 30 of 63 in total

A moment of Venn

Some news about where I am in my career plus where I want to go, and what's happening with this podcast (nothing scary or even that special).

Introducing Convergence

So, I've started a new show. Convergence is a two-hander between Brendan Hutchins and me, and goes out (currently) every Friday. It's about two men in the young middle...

What would doing less feel like?

Today you find me wandering be around the flat wondering how to do less. Like, a lot less.

Record more voice notes

In which I remind you that your voice is a splendid thing, and it's nice to hear messages from people in their own tongue. Also a little life update from the last coup...

Life stationary – an update from the kitchen

I'm not outside today, but I've still got lots of things to share!

Bramble is alive

Just a quick one to let you know that Inside Bramble, the audio diary for my new media hosting platform is now up. You can search your podcast app for Inside Bramble o...

Proof of life

I'm still alive. Here's a little of what's been going on, and what's to come.

40 just happened to me

It’s snowing and I’m out here talking about turning 40, managing my attention, and continuing my plan to earn £10k a month.

How I plan to make £10,000 a month

It started with me having some down time and brainstorming around goals. It finished with a new higher ticket community offering and a bold sales target.By this time n...

"The Lighthouse" is now "Life in Stride"

I'm back to let you know that The Lighthouse is returning in its new form, Life in Stride. Inspired by friends 'n pod colleagues Chris Kenworthy and Rachel Wheeley – a...

Back soon

This is the one in which I make no firm plans to stop or resume the podcast. Likely you won’t hear from me for a couple of weeks, but it’s unlikely that this is the en...

When is a midlife crisis allowed?

Mark breaks out the guitar – sorry!

Working from a sunny Floridian hellhole

I remember being “trapped” in Florida in 2010, and discovering my favourite book trilogy.Two more episodes after this, then we’ll knock it on the head so this doesn’t ...

History sharpens its quill

The movie trilogy that started with 2020 is proving quite the blockbuster hit i nits final iteration. Let’s take a moment to deal with the loss of cabin pressure cause...

They’re bringing whimsy back

Apple brought out some new devices and I got a printer. That’s it. That’s the episode.

Pustering (verb)

It’s a fun one, this. Lots of bobbing in and around tangents to do with language and the way we speak.

Full of casserole

I had a pretty productive day today, so flush with possibilitiy and positivity, I share my tips for success!Also, if you’d like the show to continue past 50 episodes, ...

We go the long way round

This is the one where I figure out marketing.

Fight, flight, or freeze

I explore my morning routine, modern pop music, and how to deal with things that are offensive.


A short episode today as I’m sniffly and don’t want to make snotty noises all over the mic. I’m certain all’s well so will be back tomorrow, no doubt in full force.

Tough love is nonsense

It’s a slightly higher-energy episode than yesterday’s, and one which weaves in and out of tangents like a 70s movie car chase.

Neuance – where d'it go?

I recap my day, talk about being too fat, and then explore – for about 20 minutes – a Facebook post about education funding in the States. It’s riveting stuff.

Shades of 2005

I throw back to 2005 and my first foray into freelancing; building webisstes for under £200 and advertising in a little business newsletter. Those really were very muc...

Loaded foe bear

I recount my day backwards, and make a pledge to bring the energy I want to see in the world.

The King of Bedside Manor

I recount my day’s trip to an optomitrist, and then go off on one about someone’s brand for some reason.

Blue bear blarting

This is the one where I actually cry on mic. Probably the first of many. It happened because I talked about a teddy bear. It’s fine and everything’s fine.

Hedgehog down days

This is the one where I sing. Also I talk about moods, and create a metaphor involving spiny woodland creatures.


I talk about Internet dating in the wake of the millennium, and perhaps get a bit oversharey about my own experiences in the arena of affection.

Dolly Books

I complain – briefly and lightly – about marketing, read some nice news about Dolly Parton giving away books, and follow a tangent that takes in Johnny Vegas and 101 D...

The Tangent Olympics

I bury us deep in tangents today, talking about DAT, a highly awkward theatre sketch, and the time I trapped a children’s author in a library.

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